Emmett Till: A Martyr of American Racism

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Racism has plagued our nation for over 100 years. It has been marked as a terrible event in African American history, causing pain and sadness till this day. Many African Americans were treated less than humans. African Americans were seen as an inferior race due to the Caucasians believing they were above everyone. Emmett Till was one of the many African Americans to experience racism. Emmett Till was murdered because of Southern Racism, which was built by slavery; this event created a martyr. An example of American racism can be seen in the treatment of Emmett Till. In 1955, there were many but one historical event that shaped the lives of every black African American. Emmett Till was only one of the many African Americans who lost their …show more content…

This era mostly affected the social and education system for African Americans. Many schools where segregated and given less supplies because they were inferior. Riots also broke out, causing Caucasian cops to retaliate with combat bats and fire hoses, spraying the protesters with water that felt like an icicle hitting their body. Sometimes they would swing the bat, hitting someone as if it could have been a sack full of bricks. Compared to Mississippi, this was an easier life to handle. As Emmitt went to Mississippi, he would soon realize that he has walked into a different kind of racism, a more overt and dangerous depiction of racism than he did in Chicago. Racism still played a big role in America’s society after Emmett Till. In 2015, three whites went to jail for hunting black children, murdering them. Like Emmett Till, these children lost their lives for a cause that was unforgiving and unjust. Being sixty years apart, the idea of racism would have thought to deplete or slow down; yet, it is still something that plagues the world. Emmett is now a famous African American who will never be forgotten. He is one of the faces that can be depicted for Racism. Racism has caused many sadness and death. Treating humans as less than others based on opinions. There are many people who has been treated wrongly, but stand for the rights of African Americans: Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman and Malcolm

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