Eminent Domain Essay

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Eminent Domain Benefit INTRODUCTION/THESIS In our modern democratic society, many Americans have come to enjoy the freedom of traveling to various parts of the U.S. to visit our national parks and historic landmark. To get to these destinations, we travel by land, sea, and sky. Though our destinations may take us to the middle of a forest, such as in the the cases of Yosemite or Yellowstone National Parks, we are able to acquire clean water, and have access to modern sanitation. Our enjoyment of these national treasures is greatly enhanced by the relative ease of access these these places, and by the modern sanitation amenities which most Americans have grown to expect. The land upon which many of our national landmarks and roads reside were …show more content…

I touched on the fact that it has help build roadways, preserve historical landmarks, helped facilitate the trucking industry which delivers our goods coast to coast, and it even set precedents with condemning private property to build public buildings. The government's use of eminent domain in preserving large swaths of natural land as national parks is seen all over America today. Without this policy, what we know to day as America would not exist, even with the many advantages of eminent domain, the other effect of it is quite …show more content…

If it were if not for the government having the controlling power to "condemn" private property, we would not have many of the amenities we now expect as a right. Without it, innumerable improvements to our society's inner workings would simply not occur. If a person chose to not sell his property, but instead decided to bilk the government for an exorbitant amount of money, it would be not be in the country's best interest and could hinder the progress of infrastructure projects. Substandard housing and businesses would be allowed to proliferate our

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