Emily Dickinson's Because I Could Not Stop For Death

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In Emily Dickinson poem “Because I could not stop for Death”, just from reading this title it could be easily identified that the theme of this poem is death. Which does give the idea to the reader that this poem will be a cruel truth about death how it is ruthless and not merciful. But Dickinson gives us a different personified form of death as being a gentleman who is civilized and a gentle guide, not frightening, or even intimidating leading his/her soul to the afterlife in a carriage. Which, gives the readers an idea that the narrator is female being wooed with a romantic ride on the carriage like a princess going on a date. Making it feel like that death is not all bad but a moment to get to know him as a gentle being who is going to the …show more content…

Where this is stated, “For His Civility” that she puts away her “labor” and her “leisure,” which is Dickinson using metonymy to represent another alliterative word her life proving to us that she had completely given up completely. Leading us to the next Stanza, that gives the speaker reasons of no regret of moving on to the afterlife. As it shows that being alive is not that great, where the carriage ride enters an emotional scene through a school playground with children playing happily during “Recess- in the Ring”. But it is not an emotional scene of being sad that she misses life but pities the children about the hardship that’s yet to come to their lives. Where a school during recess in a ring is identified as playing ring around a Rosie. Related to the bubonic plague cycle of physical life is going on without her and at that moment she surmised that’s she’s on her way to eternity or dead? Also, she emphasizes this with the verb she uses is “strove,” emphasizing the labors of existence. Also, the use of anaphora with “We passed” also emphasizes the tiring repetitiveness of the same old routine going on over and over

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