Emile Durkheim Theory Of Deviance

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INTRODUCTION Deviance Definition Deviance can be defined as any behaviour that goes against the norm of a particular society. Based on Emile Durkheim (1895) he suggested that over a century ago, “deviance can be thought of as an inherent aspect of society out of which we forge and shape our collective sentiments and identities”. He also mentioned that a social order of balance and justice is important, but the deviance that challenges this order is vital and normal. Based on this perspective, Durkheim argued that deviance is a normal component of any society and necessary part of any society because it contributes to the social order. Apart from that, it is not nesessary and wrong to conclude or assume that deviance is same as crimen because not all deviance behaviour is criminal action as the deviance is not a subset of crime. Deviance also can be vary depending on the group of society’s ideas of what is acceptable and unacceptable. It mean that what our society classified …show more content…

It mean that there is individu or a group of peoples who sexually attracted to peoples of the same sex. For example women who sexually attracted to women is called as “lesbian” and for the men who sexually attracted to men is called as “gay”. Homosexuality exists in all cultures and some of western countries also accept this as part of their society and allow the same sex marriage as well. As for non-western countries such as in Northen Sumatra, the Batak Peoples for example permit male homosexual relationship before marriage. In their society, when the boy reached at their puberty level, they will leaves their parents house and sleep in a dwelling with dozen or more males of his age or older. Then, the sexual partnership formed between couples in the group. This situation continue until that young men married and once married most but not all men abandon homosexual

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