Emerging Adulthood: An Adult And When Are You Really An Adult

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It is frequently believed that emerging adulthood is the point in life from the late teenage years up till the twenties. This time period brings powerful changes to just roughly every individual growing through emerging adulthood. Usually during this time, a large number of individuals attain the level of schooling required or recommended to stipulate solid earnings within the domain of their chosen careen path. These individuals are tirelessly searching for dependability and creating a meaning for themselves in the adult world. While I was reading (When Are You Really an Adult? By Julie Beck) I began to reflect about how dealing with emerging adulthood effects “normal” people compared to individuals on the autism spectrum.
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There is a lack of research in the scientific and medical fields. These science and medical professional’s encounter intensified hardship in locating reliable research in this area of exploration. This lack of study makes it difficult for individuals and adults on the autism spectrum to receive high quality services that could be of assistance for these individuals to live independently. For example, these services, could incorporate specialized assistance in being employed and in perhaps continuing a form of advanced education. Postsecondary education is a critical pathway to employment, and some individual with this condition decide to attend college. Under the Americans with Disability Act colleges and schools that receive any type of federal funding must provide reasonable accommodation’s. These services, unfortunately decrease during the time period of emerging adulthood for individuals with an autism spectrum disorder. I believe that it is highly unfortunate that these adults with an autism diagnosis have less resources available than younger children with the exact same disorder. Currently, adults with this condition and in addition, their supporters remain hopeful that a future day will come when more services and resources are available to assist with the individual needs of each and every autistic individual needing these particular …show more content…

This time brings many intense changes and difficulty for some. A large number of individuals attain the level of schooling required or recommended to pursue their career path. These individuals are tirelessly searching for dependability and creating a meaning for themselves in the adult world. While reading (When Are You Really an Adult? By Julie Beck) I thought about how dealing with emerging adulthood effects “normal” people compared to individuals on the autism spectrum. Some individuals on the autism spectrum struggle with what emotions may appear like or what the other individual is even thinking. For adults with autism the transition process from early childhood into adulthood can be a multifaceted fluctuation. Their is currently a lack of research in the scientific and medical fields on the focus of autism and adulthood and the services needed for these adults. These science and medical professional’s encounter hardship in locating reliable research in this area of autism exploration. The lack of study on this topic makes this issue makes it difficult for adults on the autism spectrum to receive high quality services that could be of assistance for these individuals to live possibly live independently. Some of these individuals decide to attend college and under the American’s with disability act colleges that receive any type of federal funding or

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