Emergence Of Science Essay

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Throughout the history of America, religion has always had a presence. It always had a say and was all there was in nature. Everything was religion. This was sparsely challenged in the history prior to the mid nineteenth century. Up until this time period, science didn’t exist as a separate category. Science wouldn’t be considered a rival to religion; in fact religion was science until scientific progress begin to contradict religious beliefs. The very first contradiction with a major religious power was when the church funded astronomers (one of which was Galileo) to create a new calendar because the old one became out of sync. (Southgate) During his research he discovered the Sun was the center of the solar system. The church had promptly put down the idea and suppressed Galileo’s voice. "Blasphemy!" cried the church to its faithful followers, who were trusting of the voices of the holy. However, because technology couldn’t make something so radical clearly factual for the masses, religion took the near split of religion and science in their persuasive hands and smashed them crudely back together. However, America was born after a time where knowledge and happiness and ideas hatched, and science would for the first time demonstrate that it is to be the only thing which may defy the church and other religions with irrefutable evidence. The emergence of science came into America in small but powerful steps. Its humble beginning was almost like an evil force that may or may not be watching, in the beginning of America, 18th century. Religion at the time was the be all end all, nothing could be more true than the words of God being spoken through a priest, anyone who says other wise is against everything you believe in as a believe...

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... physical evidence but is based on faith religion argued that that God created man and since that was already the truth it began as the truth. In fact only 5% of American scientists accepted evolution. (Croce) However in the present evolution is accepted by most scientists and is generally considered an unproven theory. Science and religion beyond this generally did not cross paths. While science continued its unquenchable thirst for truth and knowledge religion did not fade away and maintained its presence in America.
America was affected by a wave of religious shifts throughout its history, being a firmly religious culture to becoming a leader of scientific progression on a global scale and maintaining its religious roots. As shown, America changed from being a religiously dedicated nation to becoming a nation with religious roots with tolerance of other beliefs.

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