Emancipation Proclamation Dbq

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The Lord allows things to go wrong in His children’s lives. We know this is true because things have gone wrong in some point in our lives. The Bible has taught us the go has the power and control in our daily lives so that means He is perfectly capable in preventing things from going wrong. Instead of doing so he creates an opportunity or presents with a challenge that we must overcome. “God leaves nothing to chance or luck. God knows what He is doing. God knows what He is doing even when He allows us to suffer” (God’s Intentions). We must trust in that God has plan for us. "God causes all things to work together for good for those who love God"(Rom.8:28). One day you might find yourself in a situation that might be trying. We must remember …show more content…

On January 1st, 1863 President Abraham Lincoln implemented the document. The nation was heading into its third year of the civil war between the north and south. “The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free"” (Emancipation Proclamation). However, the Emancipation Proclamation was limited in numerous ways. The document applied to the states that seceded from the Union. It also exempted parts of the Confederate states that were already under Northern control. The freedom it promised was dependent upon Union military victory. Maybe it was by chance that the North won the war allowing freedom for all slaves or perhaps this is what God had intended. Yes there was bloodshed for 3 years but a piece of paper freed thousands of slaves in the north whose ancestors before them had suffered decades of …show more content…

was known for his marches and peaceful protests. His actions of non-violence paved a way for progression. His pacifism led to so much change in America. He wrote a speech in which he describes what he called the "other America," one of two different American experiences that coexist. One person’s "experience the opportunity of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in all its dimensions" and the alternative which is "daily ugliness" that destroys the dreams and hopes of both the young and old. This leaves only "the fatigue of despair." In the case of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, protestors are grieving but they are also seeking change. They believe that the police are abusing their power. However, in the town of Ferguson, Missouri, the group that was protesting for the death of Michael Brown are expecting the institutions of government to bend towards their favor and that they were supposedly regulated by impartial law. Although Michael Brown wasn’t a good kid, many other people who aren’t like him have faced the unforgiving hand of the law when they were either innocent or complying with

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