Emancipation: A Life Fable

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In the passage from "Boy's Life" and "Emancipation: A Life Fable," both share a related theme, and the authors approached them in similar ways, yet there are differences. In the excerpt from "Boy's Life," the theme could be that even though having patience can be difficult, it can lead to good things, and in the passage from “Emancipation: A Life Fable,” the theme could be that taking new chances can also be worthwhile.
The theme I concluded from the passage of “Boy’s Life” was the fact that even though having patience can be challenging, it can lead to fulfilling results. The author approached the text with two main characters, Cory Mackenson and Mrs. Neville. The passage occurs on the last day of school, where Cory is impatient and only wants …show more content…

The author approached the text with one character the story revolves around. Brought into the world in a cage, the animal has all its needs tended to. After some time, the animal finds its cage open, drawing him to go out. He takes the chance, and is therefore he is unprotected by the invisible hand and instead exposed to the whole world with all its wonders and flaws. In the text, it says “So does he live, seeking, finding, joying, and suffering. The door which accident had opened is open still, but the cage remains forever empty!” This resolution of the story implies that the animal found happiness in taking a new chance.
"Boy's Life" and "Emancipation: A Life Fable" have a similar theme as stated beforehand, but they still have their differences. Both approach the theme with hesitant characters, as Cory was uncertain to Mrs. Neville after she talked to him. The animal in "Emancipation: A Life Fable," was cautious to step out the cage, the only thing it knew for a good portion of its life. Some variances include that in the passage of "Boy's Life," the author developed the theme with typically emotions, referring to the transition of his attitude. Though, "Emancipation: A Life Fable" implemented the theme with

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