Elmo's World

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745 A.D.: It was a time filled with anarchy in Europe—Germanic groups that inhabited Europe remained disorganized and without central authority. It was also a time of new beginnings and influences. April 2, 745 was the day of the birth of Charlemagne who would later rise to the throne of emperor of the Roman Empire. Born as son of Pepin III (the Short) and heir to the Frankish throne, he rose to be one the most well-known kings in history—Charlemagne, the Frankish king and Roman emperor. Not only did he conquer an inundation of lands and peoples, he also promoted education and influenced the trade of his empire through coining for the greater good (Bhote …). Living in a time period in which Europe was muddled, Charlemagne is outstanding as he successfully created one of the most prominent empires in Europe by bringing numerous peoples under his control (McGill).
The Frankish empire all started in 511 when Clovis I (c. 481-511) conquered the Visigoths and other tribes and became one of the early Merovingian, an early Salian Frankish dynasty, kings (McGill). Charles Martel, Charlemagne’s grandfather, once saved the Merovingian dynasty from the clutches of downfall, assuring his sons a position at the throne. About a hundred years later, in the seventh century, Charlemagne’s father, Pepin III, created the Carolingian dynasty under the Merovingian dynasty and overcame Childeric III, the Merovingian king. Now, the sole ruler was the Carolingian dynasty, which had always been in a position of more power. By doing this, he ensured his sons, Charlemagne and Carloman, a chance at the throne. The borders of this new dynasty were, at the time, France, Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. In addition, Pepin allied with Pope Stephen II, and...

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...ed construction projects (e.g. basilica of the Holy Mother of God at Aix-la-Chapelle and bridge over the Rhine at Mayence), helping tie all the empire together with the arts.
In the end, Charlemagne died of fevers and pleurisy on January 28, 814. As noted by Einhard, the entire empire cried in outroar. With Charlemagne gone, his reign of organization was also gone; his empire soon fell into disarray after his death. Despite this, he did leave something in his legacy—he was a role model for kings and emperors to come. As a man of great faith in Christianity, excellent oration, exemplary physical strength and energy, iron will, and love for the active life, he was truly an outstanding leader. His many conquests and military campaigns, diplomacy, and strong administration prove that he was a man who was able to rise above others—a man whom history will never forget.

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