Elizabeth Smart's Kidnapping Case Study

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Stockholm Syndrome Found in Elizabeth Smart’s Kidnapping Case It has been found that Stockholm syndrome can be found in many cases of kidnapping or sex trafficking. It is usually found in women, men, and children who have been diagnosed with PTSD. Stockholm syndrome is found when the victim begins to have a sense of trust toward their captor and even possible affection for them. Many women, such as Elizabeth Smart, help raise awareness over traumatic experiences that they have been through. In 2016 51% of women were trafficked, since then the number has increased to 80%. 40% is women and the other 40% is young girls. From 2016 to 2018 the rate of women who have been trafficked has increased by 29%. It has been said that nearly all of these women have been diagnosed with some form of Stockholm syndrome. Elizabeth Smart is one victim that has been diagnosed with this mental illness. Smart was kidnapped from her bed at knifepoint by a man named Brian David Mitchell. Mitchell made Smart’s life a living hell for nearly 9 months. Mitchell wanted to start his own religion where he was able to have multiple wives. He already had a “first” wife, Wanda Barzee and he was told by the “lord” that he was to make Smart his “second” wife. They had completely …show more content…

Mitchell simply was just a bad person, with awful intentions. Mitchell’s intentions with Smart was to make her his “second” wife, and he would pray for her to sleep with him and for her perform her “wifely” duties. He believed that Smart was to be beneath him and that she was to listen to his every command. Mitchell and Barzee would force Smart to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes/marijuana, she was even forced into premarital sex several times with Mitchell and she would be forced to watch Mitchell and Barzee have sex. One time, Mitchell had made Smart drink so much she passed out and woke up in a pool of her own

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