Gender Inequality: An Examination of American Laws

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In 1848 women and men were said to have equal rights. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, writer of Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, claimed women did not have the same rights as men. In the Declaration points are stated where men have more rights than women and where women lack those rights. She goes to argue that the government is unjust and there needs to be resolutions. Over many years improvements were made between men and women's rights, but there are rights that are not still not equal. American laws give women and men equal rights however, women do not have the same equality when it comes to discrimination, and their job wages. American laws are set in place to provide everyone with equality and safety. There are still cases that happen where it has lacked its equality and shown discrimination. Discrimination in the workplace is against the law but, it does happen. Elizabeth Cady Stanton shows facts to where discrimination and equality, compared to a man, was an issue. In the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions Elizabeth says “He has monopolized nearly all the profitable employments…” (273). She is …show more content…

Women who have the same job as a man are getting less pay. A verse in the text says “ He has taken from her all right in property, even the wages she earns” (273). It is not right for a man and women to have the same job, been there the same amount of time, and for the man to have a higher pay. It is against the law for a business to have different salaries for men and women under the same job title. The underlying pay for them needs to be the same amount. There was a case founded where a woman took the same job as a man but her pay was less than his. She took the issue to court but it was dropped saying there was nothing they can do about it. The job wage gap needs to be fixed, there are still places that have a wage gap between men and women. It is unjust to have this happen to

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