Elijah Pierson And Robert Matthews's Impact On The Kingdom Of Matthias

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The story starts out introducing the two characters that will found the Kingdom. Elijah Pierson and Robert Matthews who are two individuals that come from very different households, but their upbringings are partially what brought them together. Robert Matthews, later to be known as the Prophet Matthias, was born into a farming family of strict religious churchgoers. Matthews was taught to believe that everyone was corrupt which helped fuel his later views of religion. This idea shaped how Robert would view and teach religion when he grew older. As a child Matthews believed as did many of his community that he could talk to spirits. The validity of this is still up for debate among historians, as it has never been stated in church records whether …show more content…

Firstly, the market revolution was this idea that of “being wealthy” before the 1820s and 1830s just about everyone was a farmer and they grew only enough food to feed themselves and their families. There was not this idea of growing for market. That all changed with this revolution, there was an increase in trade that further fueled changes in transport, technology, and communications. This all relates to the kingdom of Matthias because this increase in wealth is what helped pay for all of the Prophets extravagances. Robert Matthews used Elijah and Benjamin’s money to help pay for everything that went into the building and up keeping of the kingdom. This found money lead Matthias to dress in an extravagant fashion, yet despite this style, he kept to the idea that the best way to live in the Truth is to live simple. Simple clothes and a simple lifestyle were the best ways to be enlightened in his teachings (Johnson and Wilentz, 98). The market revolution was not just this singular event, there were other revolutions that went into it such as the Transport Revolution and Communications Revolution. The transport revolution came about through the building of new roads, canals, steamboats, and railroads. All of this allowed people to move up and down the river, it decreased the cost of transport by allowing things to be transported farther faster. These changes in transportation allowed farmers to be linked to the markets and it made it easier to sell products. The Prophet Matthias is a prim example that not everyone got rich during the market revolution. Robert Matthews as he was still being known as tried his hand at being a businessman and for a while he was very successful. He was not successful long, with the death of two of his sons and a severe illness himself his carpentry business went bankrupt (Johnson and Wilentz, 60-62). When people, like Matthews, do not get rich and instead go bankrupt

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