Eliezer's Connection with his Father in Night by Elie Wiesel

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Throughout Night, the bond that Eliezer has with his father Chlomo passes through a rocky course, but eventually becomes stronger due to the isolation and ultimately the death of Chlomo. This rocky course has events that that go from being inseparable in Birkenau, to feeling as though he is a burden. In between, there are times where Elizer’s relationship is clearly falling apart and then being fixed. The camps greatly influence the father-son relationship that Elie and Chlomo have, sometimes for the better, and sometimes for worse. Originally in 1941 when the Wiesel family was living in Sighet, Eliezer took Chlomo for granted, as any child would. Little did he know that their relationship would permanently change forever. At Birkenau in 1944, the father-son bond is greatly strengthened. It is here where the men separate from the women, and Elie’s mother and three sisters separate from Elie. Elie becomes completely dependant on his father for the first time. Elie has one thought when this separation occurs. “Not to lose him. Not to be left alone” (27). In Sighet, Elie never has this...

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