Elie Wiesel's Article: Racism In America '

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I think that Bonilla-Silva is correct when she talk about racism in her article because racism do exist in the country. In some places in the country, there are people who are more racist then others. Elie Wiesel says “no human race is superior; no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgements are wrong. Only racists make them.” I agree with this quote because there is no such thing as differentially when it comes to people. We are all humans and it is how it should, there shouldn’t be any reason why we have to categorize ourselves just because our society says so. Does it really matter whether or not we are different colors? No, because anything that a colored man can do, a white man can do it. For example, in the movie white man can’t jump it all black men on a basketball team thought that a white man couldn’t play basketball as good as black men could. They were wrong because white or black we are all humans and even though one may be better at certain things it doesn’t mean that another person from a different race can’t. What is racism? Racism is the belief that one’s race, skin color, or more generally, one’s group, be it of religious, national or ethnic identity, is superior to others in humanity. In Bonilla-Silva’s article it says that “all white man talk about nonwhites in public but in a different way.” They talk carefully and worry about what they say so that the wrong words like “niggers” do not come out. Why go through all the trouble of being careful of what they …show more content…

The only way that I think life would get easier is to put our heads together and forget the fact that there use to be racism around. We need to forgive one another for the harm we did. Just as white people did harms to black people, black people also did harm to white people. Even though the harm that comes to black is way more then what happens to the white people. We all have our share of bad luck we need to forget about it and live a racism free

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