Elie Wiesel Ethical Decision Making

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Elie Wiesel was one of the survivor and he do not want people to forget the sacrifice rescuers did to save people life in the Holocaust. He wants us to appreciate that those people could’ve choose to not help, but they did a correct moral choice. Humanity is the ability to love and have compassion, be creative, and not be a robot or alien. The human nature is kindness, as humans we suppose to help each other but not everyone does. That’s why Elie Wiesel says we have to give importance to the rescuers. Humanity also means the kinds of feelings human have to each other and those feelings are the ones that encourage us to do good things for others. A person that has influenced me my thinking about ethical decision making is Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in the …show more content…

Mother Teresa struggle to her permission to get out of convent, but she didn’t stop trying to get her permission because she wanted to do what was ethical correct. Teresa wanted to help the poor and dying, she wanted to help the people in need. She teach the kids from the streets how to read, they were poor they had no teacher or school. Mother Teresa did the right ethical decision help the people that needs help, in convent the girls didn’t need help. Mother Teresa inspire to do good ethical decision and to put the people that needs helps as priority. An ethical decision is one that engenders trust, and it’s indicative of responsibility, fairness and caring. Making an ethical decision consists of reviewing among different options, eliminating those with an unethical standpoint, and finally choosing the best ethical alternative. It has taught me about how can i participate as caring, thoughtful citizen in the world around me by helping those who need help. Also by not being selfish because there’s people that need a lot of help. It also show me how some people dedicate their life to helping, that means i should help

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