Elephant Habitat Essay

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What is the best habitat for an elephant?
Elephants are able to survive in a variety of different locations because of the huge variety of food sources that they consume. Many people assume that elephants that are in the wild only live in the grasslands. While that is one of their main habitats, they can also be found in the desert of the Savannah, forest areas, where there are swamps, and everything in between.

What are habitats like in zoos?
2700-acre home to 11 elephants, Space is natural habitat – forests, fields, lakes, streams, hills, valleys – that is home to not only elephants but to a variety of other wildlife. he innovative space includes a large barn, an elephant exercise trek through a forested area, three unique outdoor habitats, four water features and a large indoor Elephant Community Center. The indoor communal space allows the elephants to interact and engage with stimulating features such as a …show more content…

We do see a prevalence of health issues in captivity with elephants that are not as common in the wild. Elephants in zoos face none of the threats that wild elephants do, such as poaching for their ivory and/or meat, malnutrition during times of drought, occasional natural disease outbreaks or predation. As well, according to the zoo industry, elephants receive superior housing, care and medical attention

Can elephants be returned to the wild after being in zoos?
No, sadly. Elephants have spent their lives in captivity, in traditional zoos and circuses before retiring to zoos. They don’t really “know” how to be wild elephants. Trying to put them back in the wild would be dangerous and stressful for them.. zoos are not returning elephants to the wild, nor have they any intention to do so. Zoo industry representatives are emphatic about that point. Elephants being bred in North American zoos will not be placed in the wild nor is there a belief that reintroduction will help save elephants from

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