Electromagnetism Essay

1189 Words3 Pages

AbbyGayle Jernigan
Ms. Hardison
Physical Science
30 October 2017

Electromagnetism is mainly found in the form of radiation. It can come from the sun, or even a radio. It is contained in electric and magnetic fields, and much of it travels in waves. There are many different types of electromagnetic radiation held in the electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetism impacts our world through energy, waves and fields, radiation, and technology. Radiant and electronic energy both come from the sun and give off light. When light is absorbed, the photons (light energy) and electrons have an effect on each other. The electron absorbs the photon, which then makes the electron develop a higher energy level. This process creates radiant energy (Science Buddies Staff). When an object is hit by sunlight, the photons’ radiant energy turn into electronic energy. Then, the typical occurrence is the electrons’ energy level go back down to their previous level, their ground state. While the electrons are returning to their ground state, their energy is being re-emitted as infrared photons, thus creating electronic energy …show more content…

Included in the electromagnetic spectrum are light waves, television waves, and microwaves. Visible light is also a smaller part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but it has its own visible-light spectrum. All the electromagnetic energy frequencies that humans can see are defined as visible light. It is created by electrons that have lost energy inside the atom. The energy given off by those electrons then becomes light photons (Congdon, Donald, 306;310). The lower the wavelength/frequency/energy of electromagnetic radiation, the darker red it will be in the visible spectrum, whereas the higher the wavelength/frequency/energy, the more indigo colored it will be (The Electromagnetic Spectrum). The visible spectrum is the part of

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