Eleanor Brooker Analysis

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A picture tells a thousand words, and "Eleanor" by Eric Drooker says volumes. At first glance, it is a seemingly normal neighborhood, in any city in the world. We see an old woman, at the end of her life, living a meager existence and instantly you conclude that she is lonely and friendless. That is not the picture I choose to see. People assume that once a person becomes older that their life has little meaning or happiness. I see a woman who has everything she wants and needs. She surrounds herself with life, the flowers she grows and nurtures, and her cat. The flowers bring her happiness and perhaps remind her of a garden she once had. They bring color and happiness to her world. They supply her with a touch of nature, something …show more content…

She is taking care of herself by making the effort to go out, walk, and visit the park. The pigeons that others view with scorn are a joy to her. She watches TV at night, perhaps reliving some of her own personal romances, her faithful companion at her side. In the end, hers the only light on in the apartment building, leaving you to wonder where are all the other people. Are they out on the town, working, or perhaps hiding from the world in their apartments? I wonder, how this interpretation would change if the main character were a young girl, just beginning her life. We would see this as a new beginning, someone starting life with awe and wonder, someone who may not have much but is building a life and a future. We see Eleanor watching TV and instantly assume that she is sad and little else to do with her life. Yet if that same picture was of a young person we would assume they were binging on Netflix or their favorite TV show. Why is it then when the picture is of an older woman we naturally assume that she is lonely and unhappy? I think the world has a view of the older generation that is not always pleasant. People see the older generation as burdens, someone to be pitied. When I see this cartoon, I am filled with

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