Elder Abuse In Nursing Homes

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Elder abuse in nursing homes Elder abuse myth or truth some people believe that elder abuse does not exist. Some part of society has accepted that elder abuse does not exist. That the elder care system does not hire people that would cause harm in any physical or mental and emotional way.when a case comes up it is disclaimed and hidden so media doesn't make it public.the care workers usually say that the elder patient is just delusional or is hostile and or is going threw dementia.when it comes to the person taking care of the individual in the nursing home they will tell you usually what you want to hear. The care provider will tell you the necessary things you want to hear if they are getting paid. The people that abuse elders try and …show more content…

Physical abuse is one of the most common types of abuse that occurs in nursing homes. Compared to financial and other forms of abuse, physical abuse is very dangerous because it can cause long lasting and life threatening injuries.Up to 3 million people live in a nursing home 1 out of 3 have reported that they have been abused. 95% of residents report that they have seen other residents abused in some form. The older people bodys become and break down the more vulnerable their body is and the Abused senior citizens have a 300% higher risk of death. The biggest abusers of physical injuries are caregivers, visiting family member,also other residents. Most of physical abuse in nursing homes is caused by caregivers who mistreat or neglect patients. Some physical abuse is committed intentionally out of frustration. However, most physical abuse happens because nursing homes are usually understaffed and the staff that they have lack sufficient training. Although the abuse and neglect is sometimes unintentional, the effects of that abuse are just as serious and deadly as intentional abuse(NursingHomeAbuseguide.org).caregiver can also not pay attention to drug and forget about patients and the flip side is that a crooked nurse can steal certain medication that need them. Race can play a little role in care some caregivers are racists and will …show more content…

This is a difficult situation to resolve for caregivers, but they have always put the interests of the patient first and do what they can to keep the patient safe. Sometimes family members are more likely to commit elder abuse if the patient has a history of abusing his family.Adult children are often the abusers, and because of the guilt and shame in being abused by one’s own children, the abuse is not reported.Forty percent of cases occur when adult children victimize their parents(. The victimization includes psychological, physical, and financial abuse. Adult children perpetrating elder abuse are more likely to inflict psychological maltreatment than physical or financial abuse. Combining the fact that the baby boomer generation is graying and families typically provide care for aged loved ones, scholars believe that abuse of the elderly is growing. Also, due to the intimate nature of the parent–child relationship, researchers believe that elder parent abuse is one of the most underreported forms of violence.Previous research gives insight into the characteristics of abusers of elderly parents. An adult child abusive toward a parent tends to be financially dependent on the elder. Of adult children abusive to mothers, 77 percent are somewhat or fully financially dependent, and 65 percent are somewhat or entirely dependent for housing. Unemployment rates are higher among abusive adult

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