Effects of Global Warming on Agriculture

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Global climate change is a two-sided coin; the first argument is perhaps best overly dramatized by the recent movie The Day After Tomorrow, the preverbal we are all doomed aspect of it. The other argument although never made into a movie, is that we will be able to survive quite comfortable, with only some minor modification to our way of life. Although very few in the scientific community can deny the existence of global climate change the argument lies in whether it poses a threat or not. One highly significant aspect to look at would therefore be its effect on agriculture. As the world as a whole continues to struggle with starvation, especially in Africa and parts of Asia, the question at hand is whether or not global climate change is going to shrink the world's population significantly? The answer to this many other questions lies somewhere in between both arguments.

There are a couple of main indicators that prove the existence of global climate change. Firstly, global temperature has increased approximately 0.3°C to 0.6°C (Maslin 29) which in effect explains the recent increase in precipitation, since the warmer the ocean temperatures the more precipitation. This relates to agriculture in many important ways. There are a dwindling number of positive thinkers in the scientific community that believe that we will be able to adapt to the consequences of global climate change. The first feather in the hat of the positive thinkers is that the increased temperature creates a longer growing season. With the longer growing season fruit bearing plants will bear more fruit and other plants will grow larger. This school of thinking not only says that we will be able to adapt but that we will be better off. Another part...

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...sed by decades of air pollution.

Works Cited

Adams, Richard M, Brian H Hurd, and John Reilly. Agriculture & Global Climate Change: A Review of Impacts to U.S. Agricultural Resources. Pew Center. 26 June 2005 http://www.pewclimate.org/document.cfm?documentID=234.

EPA. "Global Warming Impacts." EPA Global Warming. 26 June 2005 http://yosemite.epa.gov/oar/globalwarming.nsf/content/ImpactsAgriculture.html.

Maslin, Mark. Global Warming Causes, Effects, and the Future. Stillwater, MN: Voyager, 2002.

USDA. Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: Issues of Longrun Sustainability. 26 June 2005 http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/aer740/.

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