Effects Of Vegetarian Diet

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What are the effects of a vegetarian diet?
By Lauren Knobel
Types of vegetarians:
• Lacto Vegetarian
• Ovo Vegetarian
• Lacto-ovo Vegetarian
• Pollotarian
• Pescatarian
• Vegan

Lacto Vegetarian
Lacto vegetarians consume dairy products such as cheese, milk and yogurt. Lacto vegetarians do not consume red or white meat, fish, fowl or eggs.
A lacto-vegetarian when well planned can be nutritionally balanced and health promoting for children and adults.
Health risks:
Foods are excluded from this diet need to be replaced with suitable nutritionally equivalent foods or supplements. This diet can be low in Omega-3 fatty acids as no fish or eggs are eaten.
Ovo Vegetarian
Ovo vegetarians consume egg products but do not consume red …show more content…

Vegans do not consume red or white meat, fish, poultry, fowl, eggs and dairy. Vegans do not use animal products such as silk, leather, wool, honey, beeswax and gelatin.
Vegans tend to have low cholesterol levels which helps prevent many chronic diseases.
Health risks:
75% of vegans have below the recommended daily amount of calcium, and vegans in general had a relatively high rate of fractures. Vegan diet is low in Omega-3 fatty acids as no fish or eggs are eaten. Vitamin B12 supplement must be taken when on a vegan diet to avoid a deficiencies.
All Vegetarians in General
Research shows that all vegetarians tend to weigh less and consume fewer calories and fat grams than meat eaters. In particular, vegetarian women have a lower risk of overweight and obesity than women who eat meat. Large intake of vegetables and fruit will help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease as vegetables and fruit contain many vitamins and minerals. Research suggests that a predominantly plant-based diet can reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes. Hundreds of studies suggest that being vegetarian can reduce the risk of developing certain cancers. Meat tends to carry more food-borne diseases than

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