Effects Of Single Parent Household

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In today’s day and age, the percentage of monitories attending college decrease more every day. Many studies indicate that there are more African Americans with high school diplomas then college degrees. The question being asked reputably amongst many people is why African Americans still face huge challenges in terms of accessing and completing higher education. The answer to this argument is that single parent household can have a huge effect on how they prosper down the road. Single parent households can influence a child drive for pursuing higher education by failing to push or ensure them that it’s possible to achieve higher than a high school diploma
Single parent household play a role in African Americans exceling in education. These …show more content…

The nation 's divorce rate in African American families is estimated about 60 percent according to the New York Times. The rise in single parenthood has lowered the chances of children obtaining higher education. Amato and Patterson completed a survey which shows a correlation between single family homes and low test scores. Amato and Patterson states “Very high rates of family fragmentation in the United States are subtracting from what very large numbers of students are learning in school and holding them back in other ways,” Family fragmentation has been known to create distractions within students’ lives and leads them to think their priorities are at home instead of school. A child may not seek higher education because they may want to contribute more at home then school. Many do not want to see their parent struggle; we can refer to the novel “The Short Life of Robert Peace” as example of children withdrawing from their priorities to contribute to their homes. The protagonist Robert Peace saw his mom struggling to supply basic essentials and felt the need at nine years old to find local gigs in his dangerous neighborhood to help his mother. Although Peace contributed to household funds his mother lost her job, which resulted in him attending public school, leading him to slowly lose his drive for

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