Effects Of Medical Malpractice And Negligence In Healthcare

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Medical Malpractice and Negligence in the Healthcare System
The study of medicine is not like any other field of study. Throughout the years of medical practice the doctor-patient relationship has been defined in many different ways. The doctor-patient relationship is what most people refer too when discussing medical issues. It defines the interaction between a healthcare professional and patient. The interaction made with patients’ initiates the basis for compliance, trust, and communication. That being said, the work that is performed within the study of medicine has a direct impact on people’s daily lives. This reason results in why strict rules are conducted and structured within the Code of Conduct for every medical organization. For …show more content…

However, not every employee or patient acts the way they are expected. This often results in reporting occurrences that involve medical malpractice. Global wide, health care organizations constantly face a numerous amount of legal issues due to these occurrences. One of the most common occurrences is medical malpractice and negligence. For healthcare providers, there is no other word that causes as much fear, anger and confusion as “malpractice.” While the majority of health care providers aim to practice the highest standard of care for all patients, there are times when events can critically go wrong. Medical malpractice and negligence affect society and the healthcare industry every day due to mishaps that are conveyed by patients and employees. Medical malpractice is one of most common lawsuits filed against doctors or any healthcare organization. According to the American Board of Professional Liability …show more content…

Malpractice cases require a vast amount of attention, because if a healthcare professional makes a mistake with a treatment or outcome, it does not automatically mean that the healthcare provider committed malpractice. Medical malpractice is measured as a specific area within the wide-ranging area of negligence. In order for a medical malpractice case to be considered under the law, the claim must have one of three certain characteristics: 1) a violation in the standard of care, 2) an injury that had been caused by negligence, or 3) any injury that resulted in significant damages. The injured patient must show that the healthcare professional acted negligently during the representation of care. It requires four elements to be met for the plaintiff to recover damages: 1) a professional duty owed to the patient, 2) breach of duty, 3) injury caused by the breach, and 4) resulting damages. If the plaintiff is awarded money for the damages caused, typically they take into account both actual noneconomic loss and economic loss (e.g. pain, suffering, quality of life). The effects of malpractice on patients, whether or not they are actually involved in a legal suit, can be extensive. For a medical malpractice claim to be valid, it is not necessarily a healthcare provider violated the standard of care simply because of a patient statement. A patient must have valid proof that he or she

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