Effects Of Coffee Essay

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Topic: “The effect of caffeine”
The coffee and the tea are the two most popular and consumed beverage after water. Centuries before, coffee and tea have been less in amount than food, but they were much frequently and were only in pharmacy available. In 16-the century British Doctors described the health benefits of coffee as “help digestion, accelerate the mind, makes the heart light, and relieves cough and headache.” The now days statistics shows that coffee is mostly consumed in the USA, in the countries of South America and in North of Europe. Tea is more preferable in Asia and in Australia. The popularity is due to the effects of caffeine, an ingredient in the both plants. Caffeine has several effects in our body.
The effect of caffeine is more evident primarily in mental and physical performance. Caffeine acts as a mild stimulant of central nervous system. It excited the cardiac activity, increase the blood pressure and body temperature. It stimulates muscle activity, …show more content…

Years before caffeine was considered as a drug which helped with breathing. The asthmatic patient was treated with coffee beans. The studies show that the caffeine belongs the chemical group, which are used to treat asthma. It contains methylxanthines, a similar substance with theophylline, which is a bronchodilator. Despite of that, it is not yet clear, if the caffeine has a positive effect on asthma. The low doses of caffeine have improved the function of the lung on the other side the high doses of caffeine reduce the amount of air, that you breath.
The coffee and the tea have positive effect in eliminating the gallstones. A study of Health Professional Follow-up has concluded that “ the comsuption of four cups of coffee per day causes the contraction of gallbladder”. These contraction empty it from the stones. Often the contraction are painful. Most of the patient complain for pain if they drink a lot of

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