Ef4 Tornado Research Paper

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“BRRRRR!” Roars a deafeningly loud siren. Then your house is gone! This is how fast a tornado can happen. Did you know that two tornadoes could collide into one huge tornado? This has happened in northeast Nebraska in the small town known as Pilger. The two tornadoes made up an EF4 size tornado. An EF4 tornado can sure do a lot of damage to a small town. Tornados are sudden and powerful winds, which may cause massive damage, but survival is possible with enough warning and preparation.
To begin with, tornadoes start when a cold front and a warm front meet together. When that happens the tornado forms into a funnel in the sky, which is when a tornado could possibly start. Some funnels do not make it all the way down to the ground to make a …show more content…

If you do not take cover in the right spot, at the right time, you can possibly me killed or injured seriously. Tornadoes can be very dangerous just depending on how it is graded, scaled on the fujita scale. A tornado can be graded, scaled once it is finished and studied by meteorologists. Once the meteorologists study the damage done they have to decide which EF scale it should belong to. The EF scale, fujita scale goes from zero to five. Zero is not any damage, but they five is the tornado damaged the whole town and it is horrible. The rest are just in between but they can cause a lot of damage. Tornadoes are one of the worst storms ever. Again, take tornadoes very seriously and take shelter immediately once you hear that tornado warning. If you wait until you here the sirens, it might be too late to get to …show more content…

If you follow safety tips, you can survive a tornado. Many people have survived a tornado because they followed all the safety tips. Some people have not since they were too late. One thing you need in your “safety plan” is a safe spot. Everyone should know where he or she goes when a tornado happens. Everyone should know where this place is, or when he or she is supposed to go there so they know what to do for a tornado. Another thing in your “safety plan” is food and water. You should have a bag of something you have just for tornadoes. In that bag should be water, canned food, food that will not expire. You will need this just in case rescuers do not get to you for a while. You might want to add Band-Aids, athletic tape, first aid kit, flashlight and batteries, and a radio. These things will be very helpful if you are stuck in a spot for a long time. Make sure you have many blankets and extra clothes just in case. Many of these will help saving you from a tornado. The most important thing that will save you is taking cover. Make sure that where you take cover is in a basement where there are no windows. If you do not have a basement take cover on the lowest floor, where there are no windows!! Say that you are driving and see a tornado, get out of your car, run to a ditch and get down low! That will help keep you safer than staying in your car and waiting for the tornado to pass. If you have these

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