Eethical Engineering: Code Of Ethics For Engineering

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An engineer is the person who build, design and maintains machines, engine or public works. It is very important to have engineer in the society or country. This is because they are the person who responsible to invent things and create new technology. There are many type of engineer in this world. For example, mechanical engineer, chemical engineer, electrical engineer and biomedical engineer. Each field of engineering has their own role and specific work. The engineer must cooperate to each other to solve the problem of society. They cannot work on their own or selfish in facing or solving the problem. So, an engineer must good in teamwork. The soft skills is very important. Every engineer must know how to work together or other people will …show more content…

The function of the code of ethics for engineer is to guide engineer from do the unethical activities. When there are engineer that do the unethical activities, other people or the public will have bad thoughts to all engineer because it is like a custom for people to see one and two example and jump to conclusion that engineer like to do unethical activities. There are five code of ethics for engineer follow and make it as guidelines. The first code of ethics is hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of public. The engineers should not reveal facts, data or information without the permission of the customer except as authorized or required by law or the Code. Second, perform services only in areas of their competence, engineer should take the project or task that they qualified by experience or education in the specific field. They should not take project that they are not a master at that field and do the project without the guide of the master. This act will make other will in danger. Next, engineers should issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner. The engineer may express publicly technical opinions that are founded upon knowledge of the facts and competence in the subject …show more content…

This is because when there are effective communication among the engineer there were no conflict that they want to argue and they can always discuss about the latest news about engineering matter and the latest technology that the other country create. The engineer can make a discussion at the society that has been established. If there are effective communication and good teamwork, many problem can be solve because teamwork is important. When we work as a team there are many people who will give different idea so we can see the problem from other side and can get maybe a better idea to solve the problem or to invent something. The other advantage of teamwork is the people in the group will take care about each other and there will be no one dare to take bribe or make corruption. This is because when we take corruption it is not only effect the person himself but it will give effect to the people around him. The effective communication also must be applied between the engineer and the customer. This because when there are no effective communication, the customer can be misunderstand or does not understand about the project. It is proven that the effective communication can solve or decrease conflict of professional interest in the working environment of an

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