Edward Scissorhands Essay

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The film Edward Scissorhands directed by Tim Burton is about a quirky inventor who creates and assembles a young synthetic man named Edward. Edward is life-like except for his hands which have been replaced with scissors. His warped creation causes him to be taken advantage of by the community who uses him for his unique abilities and talents. When the community doesn’t have a use and/or need for him anymore he is rejected and alienated. Individuals all have dignity and values so everyone should be treated with loyalty and respect and even if they are different doesn’t give reason for anyone to treat them like they are inferior to a person or people.
Tim Burton illustrates to us that society takes advantage of people’s unique abilities. In …show more content…

Edward Scissorhands has demonstrated to the viewers that people who are different are judged then excluded just because they are not the norm. When Edward Scissorhands was brought down from the mountain by Peg the people within the community started to judge and form opinions about Edward straight away. The community without meeting Edward were judging him, they didn’t even know him, his personality or his abilities. In the film Edward saves Kevin’s life by putting himself endanger by running out onto the road to get Kevin out the way of intoxicated Jim and his friends driving their van, when Edward saves Kevin he tries to see if he is hurt and accidently gives Kevin a minor scratch on his face and that made Kevin startled so he runs away to go home and all the community saw was Kevin running with a scratch on his face and immediately judged and framed Edward for hurting Kevin and they don’t ask him how he did it and how he just saved Kevin’s life. When the community all came at Edward is frustrated him so he went through the town to cool off and in anger from the community he cuts some of the hedges that he made for them and then the community went erratic and go attack Edward so he goes back to his house and was pushed away by the community and further more they still judge him. Tim Burton illuminated in the film how quick society is to judge and exclude those who are different without looking further into the

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