Edward Scissorhands Essay

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In the movie Edward Scissorhands, directed by Tim Burton and released on December 6, 1990, revolves around a scientist (Vincent Price) wo builds an animated human being -- the gentle Edward (Johnny Depp). The scientist dies before he can finish assembling Edward, leaving the young man with a freakish appearance because of his scissor blades in place of hands. Loving suburban saleswoman Peg (Dianne Wiest) discovers Edward and takes him home, where he falls for Peg's teen daughter (Winona Ryder). However, despite his kindness and artistic talent, Edward's hands make him an outcast. Throughout the film, in different scene, we can see the effects on sound, lighting and camera angle and how it aids in creating a mood for the audience. Sound is one production element of ‘Edward Scissorhands’ which works to not only establish the character of Edward, but also defines the relationships he has with those who come to surround him. The often tender, pensive and romantic soundtrack highlights Edward’s emotions as he tries to blend in with the people surrounding him. The seemingly cheerful music which plays during the film’s opening scene initially makes the …show more content…

The camera angle changes when she reaches the mansion as the long wide-angled shot conveys the relative size of character and setting which suggests Peg’s vulnerability in the strange environment. Conversely, Edward is presented to the audience in a long-shot which quickly shifts to a medium close-up of his pale, scarred face; his shock of black hair, accompanying black clothing and ‘scissor’ hands are fully in view and thus he is immediately cast as a monster. Interestingly, Burton immediately forces the audience to challenge this stereotype through the combination of Edward’s gentle voice and the close-up of his sad

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