Edward Jenner Vaccination Summary

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Getting vaccinated dates back as far as people can remember. In an article called “Edward Jenner and the history of smallpox and vaccination” by Stefan Riedel, he states that during the era of 430 BC smallpox had made its big debut and everyone knew that whomever had smallpox became immune to the disease once they got over the sickness. Before they found a vaccination that could cure smallpox, they would just do the best to inoculate it. Edward Jenner was the one who found a vaccination for smallpox. According to Riedel, Jenner found a dairymaid who had cowpox on her body and use some of those lesions and inoculated a little boy. After about a week the little boy just felt some discomfort and a loss of appetite. Later on that year, Jenner incolulsted

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