Education In The United States Essay

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"Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource." - John F. Kennedy. As John F. Kennedy said good education is important in the growth of a nation, such as the U.S.A. A country's educated population is its greatest asset. In todays world it not smart or wise to ignore education as it will affect the nation as a whole. Now that this has been an evident fact almost all countries governments and imputing government-aided schools and grants for colleges and schools. Many nations have been promoting the idea of free education and such to help the nation's growth. For example President Obama has an idea of letting the first two years in a community college be free.

Education is important in todays world because it helps us become civilized people. Education nurtures the development of ethics, values, and the ideas of equality and socialism.
Education is the key to making civilized individuals; individuals capable of planning for the future. It gives us an insight into living, and teaches us to learn from past judgments, situations, failures, and success. It makes us self-confident, and develops our abilities to think, analyze, and judge situations and problems. Through education we learn how to excel through the troubles of life. …show more content…

Schools nationwide have realized this and have imparted courses such as ‘Career Research’ and ‘Business.’ Education is giving the opportunity for many students to become experts in field of their interest. These opportunities will most definitely open doors to many career opportunities. You can not enter any field without being educated, be it working as a burger flipper at Mcdonald's or as the CEO of Google. Companies weigh us in the job market based on how much education we have acquired and if we can apply taught skills

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