Edmund Halley's Comet

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Imagine standing in the field with your friend looking at the stars, as the cool breeze blows through the group you see a white bright streak flying by. One of the voices says, “Hey! Its Halley’s Comet!” Now fast forward seventy-five years, as you sit on your porch with your wife you see a familiar looking streak cruising through the vast dark blue sky. You realise that Halley’s Comet has come back to say hello. The comet, previously mentioned, was discovered in 1705 by Edmund Halley (Nov.8,1656-Jan.14,1742). Edmund, who lived during the time of Shakespeare, was an astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician, meteorologist, and physicist, however he is best known for astronomy and the comet that has his name. Edmund Halley was born in Haggerston London on November eighth 1656. His father, also named Edmund, was a wealthy merchant who lived with his mother, whose name is nowhere to be found. He first attended school at St Paul’s School on the outskirts of London. However, it burned down in the Great Fire in 1666 when he was ten years old. The family then moved to Winchester Street in...

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