Edmond Rostand's Cyrano De Bergerac

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It is said that simplicity and complexity need each other. This saying corresponds with Edmond Rostand’s play Cyrano de Bergerac, in which Cyrano de Bergerac, a swashbuckling poet, and Baron Christian de Neuvillette, a dumbfounded romantic, in loving the same fair maiden, display contrasting characteristics. This foiling of characters highlights distinctive attributes of both men. The astounding wit and courage yet grotesque appearance Cyrano possesses oppose the exquisite physique yet floundering tongue and inept actions Christian offers; however, despite their differences, both figures ultimately find love with their beloved, Roxane. Cyrano embodies intelligence and bravery, but his ghastly appendage hinders his appeal. Cyrano, as well as many of his counterparts, recognizes the ghastliness of his nose, exclaiming “ ‘My nose is Gargantuan’ ” while many others exclaim “ ‘ You cannot look upon it without crying: “ ‘Oh, no, Impossible! Exaggerated’ ! ”(). Also, as Cyrano’s beloved refers to her love as “ ‘proud, noble, [and] young’ ” Cyrano feels hopeful that she reciprocates his …show more content…

Cyrano’s nose causes a sharp decline in his allure to women and decreases

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