Edgar Allen Poe's The Cask of Amontillado

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Edgar A. Poe’s, “The Cask of Amontillado”, is a witty and daring tale based on revenge. The plot of it though is very simple. Montresor, who carries a grudge against Fortunato for an offense that is never explained, leads a drunken Fortunato through a series of chambers beneath his palazzo with the promise of a taste of Amontillado, a wine that Montresor has just purchased. When the two men reach the last underground chamber, Montresor chains Fortunato to the wall, builds a new wall to seal him in, and leaves him to die. After reading this short story I can’t stop but think that Fortunato has a really good reason to say, “It’s not fair. It’s not right.” First, let’s take a close look at what we know about Fortunato. After reading the story we realize that he is anything but fortunate. He is a victim. We come to this conclusion after Montresor, the narrator, gives us details of his character. Fortunato is a man rich, “respected, and even feared.” He’s also interested in wines, or how Montresor put it, “He had a weak point-this Fortunato…He prided himself on his connoisseurship in wine.” This specifically lets Montresor use his knowledge of famous-labeled wines to lure him into a fantastic and terrific trap. Forunato is also a person that likes to have fun or maybe even drink too much sometimes. We know that, because we encounter him first at “…supreme madness of the carnival season” being, as Montresor put it, excessively warm from drinking too much. Also he wears “a tight-...

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