Edgar Allan Poe: The Life Of Edgar Allen Poe

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Has one ever felt dark, like one could literally hurt someone, Edgar Allen Poe has. Poe has written many short stories, most of them are about killing or haunting. He is one of the most remembered authors in American history. He even has his own museum. He also has a football team named after his most famous story, “The Raven”. Edgar Allen Poe’s stories were dark, mysterious, and just plain weird. This may have to do with his lousy childhood. -Edgar Allen Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston. Edgar Allen Poe did not have the best childhood. By the age of two, both of Poe’s parents passed away. He had one brother and one sister, when his parents passed away they all went separate ways. His sister, Rosalie went to a family that has been friends of the family for a while. Henry, Poe’s brother, went to live with his grandparents. Edgar Poe moved in with a random family that was actually a wealthy tobacco merchant. Their names were John Allan and his wife was Frances Valentine Allan, They lived in Richmond, Virginia. During Poe’s childhood he was in a very rich family. But the family was very, very strict. When he was just six years of age his parents sent him to school in England. He studied Latin and French, he also learned math and history for five years. He returned to American to finish the rest of his schooling. According to poemusem.com Poe did surprisingly well in school, even in the top 5 of his class when he graduated. This helped him get into the University of Virginia in 1826. Poe attended college at the University of Virginia in 1826. Even though his parents were really rich, his father barely gave him enough money to pay for a semester. He began drinking in college and had worked up a serious gambling problem. He we... ... middle of paper ... ...849 Poe married a widow named Sarah Elmira. She was once his fiancée. This also around the time of the California Gold Rush. About a month later Poe was found in a bar delirious and very weak in Baltimore on the 3rd of October. Four days later Edgar Allen Poe died. As one may see Poe did have a very rough life. Both of his parents died before he turned three. He was separated from his siblings to live with a man that he didn’t even know. He did pass school with flying colors, in college he became a drunk because of his stress over college bills and John Allen not leading him any money. He was forced to leave college and then later joined the army which he did well in, but he was kicked out of WestPoint. He wasn’t allowed to come home and couldn’t keep a job. Humiliated and very disturbed he wrote some of the greatest short stories and poems in American History.

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