Eddie Mabo Achievements

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Eddie Koiki Mabo played a major role in the Aboriginal Civil Rights Movement during 1962 to 1992. An activist with unyielding drive in the pursuit of equality for Indigenous people, he brought much needed change to Australian society, becoming a champion for civil and human rights in the process. Mabo’s success is particularly evident in his numerous victories for the recognition of native title rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, as well as their advancement in Australian society. He did however, achieve much more than just this.

One such example of the role Mabo played in the Aboriginal Civil Rights Movement was his time served as Secretary for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advancement League (ATSIAL) - 1962 to 1969. Throughout this time he worked to expose police brutality and racial discrimination against the Indigenous population, as well as to provide affordable services and housing for these people. Mabo along with other early Indigenous activists also lobbied for a referendum to allow the Federal Government to legislate on Aboriginal affairs, In which he became a spokesperson and relentless campaigner for the diverse Torres Strait Islander community in Townsville.

Furthermore, Mabo was one of the first to call for …show more content…

The case, simply coined ‘Mabo vs State of Queensland,’ was a hard fought battle between the two entities on the notion that although Aboriginal people had been living on Australian land for thousands of years, it was deemed ‘terra nullius’ - nobody’s land - by British settlers. With great determination and unwavering opinion Mabo managed to single mindedly challenge two centuries of legal status quo, and win on 3 June, 1992, with a ruling of six to one in his favour by the High Court of Australia, reached shortly after his

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