Economics and Opportunity Cost

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Economics is the study of how people make choices due to scarcity. Making choices is a requirement throughout our lives of which making them is inevitable. A major factor of decisions is opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is what limits our choices by limiting the resources that we are initially capable of providing. To be more specific opportunity cost is the loss of potential gain from alternatives due to another alternative being chosen. We make choices in order to progress in a direction that we believe is the most reasonable for the scenario by analyzing input provided and output received. Scarcity is what causes people to make choices. Our resources are finite, or not infinite. However, for some of these resources we demand more than can be produced. This causes the cost of these resources or items to increase. These limited items are what cause us to make choices. These choices are also limited to what we are able to provide as payment. This causes us to analyze opportunity cost. If one must choose between guns and butter then that person will momentarily question...

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