Economic Development Characteristics

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The development of a country or region include economic development, Innovation of social structure, Improvement of social quality。The input and output efficiency is the manifestation of economic development. Economic development is not only reflected in the accumulation of wealth and the change of economic system, it also includes the change of the whole social system.

Whether the per capita welfare increasing and the innovation of social form innovation. They are included in the development of the society. Economic development is a process of economic and social development in a country or region on the basis of economic development. Economic development includes a wide range of aspects; it is not only related to economic growth but through …show more content…

And I will explain the characteristics of development economics through the actual situation of developing countries. In the following passage, I will analyze the process of economic development; Analysis of ten economic development characteristics, such as lower levels of living and productivity, lower levels of human capital, higher levels of inequality and absolute poverty and higher population growth rates, greater social Fractionalization; And how these characteristics become the basis for the development of contemporary. The emergence and development of development economics has experienced three stages. The first stage is the formation period of development economics. Time is about twentieth Century 40-50 years (yuanlinruc,2014) .In the basic theory of this period of development economics are the accumulation of capital, industrialization and the importance of planning. The accumulation of physical capital is very important in the initial development of economics. But in many developing countries, capital accumulation is very difficult; the capital formation rate is very …show more content…

Neoclassicism, structuralism and radicalism are affecting economic development. Classical theory has been applied in many fields, and it can be used as a substitute for other theories, and the new classical doctrine occupies an important position. At the same time, the rise of radicalism has become the focus of attention. Radicalism Scientists developed state activism in developing countries is affected by the developed countries. This theory has aroused the concern of the society at that time. The third stage is the crisis and reconstruction stage of development economics. The time of this stage is from twentieth Century to the present(yuanlinruc,2014) . Neo classical theory has become the main theory of development economics.

Developing countries are countries with low economic, technological, and low living standards. The GDP of these countries are generally lower than the developed countries. Developing countries are more than 130 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and other parts of the world. (mohuang,2014). Developing countries have special characteristics in the development of economy. First,Lower levels of living and productivity。Low living standards and productivity are very common in developing countries. The living

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