Eating Disorders

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Many people hope for the “perfect” body, the one they see in all the magazines.

When dieting and exercise do not give these people the results they want, many times

these individuals turn to eating disorders. In the United States eating disorders have

become a reoccurring problem. Anorexia and bulimia make up the two most common

eating disorders among all age groups. Anorexia and bulimia threaten the lives of

many people in the United States.

Anorexia nervosa is a dangerous eating disorder that claims many victims.

Anorexia refers to “without appetite,” and nervosa relates to a nervous condition

(Kelley). Individuals with anorexia nervosa refuse to eat. If they do eat, they consume

only tiny bits of food, never enough food for a meal (Kelley). This condition is an

extremely complicated disorder, with multiple situations and causes as the victims

basically starve themselves to death. A victim of anorexia demonstrates modified

eating patterns and extreme weight loss (Kirkpatrick and Caldwell). Anorexia is also

referred to as “self-imposed starvation” (Moorey 1). As anorexics starve, they view

themselves differently from the rest of society. Often they see themselves as being fat,

no matter how thin they may be (Maxson). The distorted thinking is especially common

in younger anorexics; however, many women under the age of 50 have been diagnosed

with anorexia nervosa (Moorey). The disorder is often a mixture of emotional,

psychological, and physical changes or problems. Anorexia nervosa can become

extremely serious and frequently requires intensive medical treatment (Maxson)

because without intervention, the victims or patients often die (Moorey).

For individuals with anorexia, refusal to consume adequate and nutritious food

takes a toll on the body. The immune system is jeopardized, and the muscles become

weakened. The lack of nutrients can cause the hormones to become imbalanced,

resulting in physical changes such insomnia or cessation of menstrual periods for

females. Once the cardiovascular system undergoes trauma, the heart is at risk (Ortiz).

Anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate for what is considered a psychological

condition. Statistics show that after years of practicing starvation tactics, seven percent

of ...

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... Works Cited

Costin, Carolyn. The Eating Disorder Source Book. Los Angeles: RGA Publishing

Group, 1996. Print.

“Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia.” Nemours Foundation – Teens’ Health,

Nov. 2004. Web. 12 Mar. 2009.

Gagon, Louise. “Despite Image, Most Anorexics Over 45.” The Medical Post, 8 Oct.

1996. Web. 12 Mar. 2009.

“General Eating Disorders Information.” National Eating Disorders Association, 2005.

Web. 13 Mar. 2009.

Kelley, Tina. “Am I Too Fat?” 4 Apr. 2004: 6-8. MasterFILEPremier. ProQuest. Web.

9 Mar. 2009.

Kirkpatrick, Jim, and Paul Caldwell. Eating Disorders [Everything You Need to Know].

Buffalo: Firefly Book, Ltd, 2001. Print.

Maxson, Barbara. Personal interview. John C. Lincoln Hospital. 17 Mar. 2009.

Moorey, James. Living with Anorexia and Bulimia. New York: Manchester UP, 2003.


Ortiz, Melissa. “Battling Eating Disorders.” 29 Dec. 2004. LexisNexis. LexisNexis. Web.

3 Apr. 2009.

Payne, January W. “Beyond Appearances: Anorexia’s Cause: Not Just Body

Dissatisfaction.” The Washington Post 6 July 2004. MasterFILEPremier. ProQuest.

Web. 6 Mar. 2009.

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