East Vs. West: Characteristics of Literature

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Eastern and Western literature dates far back in time. Many of the key characteristics of both styles of writing are what make them what they are today.
Eastern literature was represented by many of the pieces we read during class, one of the most prominent ones being The Red Lotus of Chastity. This piece originated during the eleventh century in India. Many key characteristics can be found in this piece identifying it as eastern literature such as the use of Hinduism throughout the piece. The religion of Hinduism originates in the eastern area and is currently practiced there. This religion is supported and used in The Red Lotus of Chastity as seen in the quote “Thereupon he went to a temple and took a vow of fasting. “Let God in this temple show me a way out,” he thought. Devasmita came along, and she took the same vow. God Siva appeared to both of them in a dream.” (Pg. 947) Siva is a Hindu deity and is considered as one of the three most influential denominations in Hinduism. The mention of this deity in this piece forms a strong connection between it and the eastern community. Another characteristic that The Red Lotus of Chastity posses is it’s mention of reincarnation. This is a very strong belief in the eastern culture. This is seen in the quote “Oh, my daughter, go and look outside at your dog; she is crying. Just now she recognized me from a former life when we knew each other, and she burst out in tears. Pity moved me to weep with her” (Pg. 949) Another piece that originates from the eastern side is The Koran. This piece, written during 633 A.D. in the city of Medina, shows many links to eastern literature. One of these links is that it highly promotes the reign of good over evil. Eastern literature tends to revolve aro...

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.... Another characteristic of western literature is portrayed in the piece Beowulf, written between the year 850 and year 1000. This piece shows characteristics of western literature in that it talks about and uses Christianity, an uprising religion in the western region at the time. While many other western pieces use Greek gods, which is another characteristic of western literature, this piece is unique in that is uses a Christian god, linking it to the western side. This religion is used throughout the story, as Beowulf mentions God as his protector in multiple accounts.
Characteristics define a feature or a quality belonging to a certain being or object. Eastern and western literature both hold many key characteristics that make their writing so unique. Without these characteristics, they would not be the high standard writings that they are considered to be today.

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