Early Religion Outline

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America and Early Religion Outline
America was founded on the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Throughout American history, though, the colonist had several other principles. It would be early religion that would truly shape America into the country we know it has, religions such as Puritanism, Deism, and Transcendentalism. Works such as The Examination of Mrs. Anne Hutchinson by John Winthrop, The Declaration of Independence as adopted by Congress, and Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson respectively characterize how Puritanism, Deism, and Transcendentalism influenced American culture.
Puritanism would set the foundation for early America, encouraging the idea of religious freedom, and eventually leading to the development of more colonies. Early American Puritanism would set a strict foundation for American society. …show more content…

When America was still known as colonies, religion supplied an important structure. Any deviations from this new way of Christianity met with strict disapproval and often banishment. Anne Hutchinson, a respected member of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, was accused of breaking the law, even though her crimes were, “a matter of conscience (Winthrop 24).” Matters of religion, and the law were often the same thing. “Her religious views challenged the rigid orthodox hierarchy who brought her to trial, leading to her banishment (Brechner par. 1).” Brechner argues that Mrs. Hutchinson was persecuted overzealously because her life was a threat to the church’s strict doctrine. Life in Early America was almost controlled by the strictness of the Puritan ideals. Through the banishment of Anne Hutchinson and many other social outcasts, America developed a need for religious freedom. When Anne Hutchinson was banished, she asked, “I desire to know wherefore I am banished.” She did not understand her banishment, furthermore, she did not understand where to go.

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