Early Childhood Observation Paper

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Jeffrey 3 to 4 Years! I gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby girl named Luna. Jeffrey has taken quite a liking to being a big brother. He likes to hold and rocker her and helps with feeding her. Jeffrey is still a slow-to warm child. He can communicate fairly well and is now using mostly complete sentences and seems to understand most of what I say. He occasionally makes errors of overregularization. He has taken an interest in music and singsongs even though he usually repeats a certain part a lot. I encourage this by taking him to local performances of children’s musicals. Jeffrey has learned the routines pretty well and is reasonably cooperative for his age. He is rarely aggressive to adults or other children. Jeffrey’s fantasy play has become more elaborate and sometimes includes superheroes or cartoon …show more content…

The school also offered developmental assessments that Seth and I take advantage of. The teacher found that Jeffrey was doing well with the peer group. He had even made several little friends. He also showed age-appropriate understanding of phonological awareness and the teacher recommends we continue reading and writing activities to help him prepare for literacy activities in kindergarten. He had no difficulty in adapting to “practice” kindergarten activities and was generally cooperative, avoided getting distracted, and stayed on task. He performed in the average range on tests of vocabulary and the ability to retell a story. He showed advanced ability to count, use numbers, understand quantitative relationships and classify objects. Jeffrey was fairly interested in the art projects that the teachers and students participated in and enjoyed the pre-math activities. Seth and I also completed another parenting questionnaire. We ranked in the top 15% in terms of affection and warmth and slightly above average in terms of discipline and

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