Earl Little And Louise Little Influence On Malcolm X

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Earl Little and Louise Little did not have an easy life, they raised ten kids seven of which were siblings to Malcolm and the other three were half siblings. Earl Little was a Baptist minister who was an ardent member of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, and supporter of the Black Nationalist leader Marcus Garvey. Earl’s outspoken opinions never went unnoticed by a white supremacist group known as the Black Legion. In December of 1924 the members of the Black Legion warned Louis Little to relocate her family because her husband, Earl ,was causing trouble in the African-American community with the Universal Negro Improvement Association’s “back to africa” movement preaches. (chronology, brothermalcolm.net) The family then moved to …show more content…

Malcolm’s views on life a shaped during his years known as “Malcolm Little” An incident in spring of 1939 shows how his hope for a good life was shattered by racism. Malcolm was alone with his eighth grade teacher, when he was asked what he aspired to have as a career. Malcolm had not given a lot of thought to the topic but said a lawyer. His teacher replied with a half-smile “A lawyer- that’s no realistic goal for a nigger.” (studyguide brothermalcolm.net) To Malcolm that was the first time he truly felt the effects of racism in his life, he described the aftermath of the conversation as “The more I thought afterwards about what he said, the more uneasy it made me...It was then that I began to change-inside.” (Malcolm Little brothermalcolm.net) After the eighth grade Malcolm Little became Detriot Red. Detroit Red was a criminal drug dealer who was a danger to himself and his community. Red was “a true hustler- uneducated, unskilled at anything honorable, and I considered myself nervy and cunning enough to live by my wits, exploiting any prey that presented itself.” (Detroit Red brothermalcolm.net) The winter of 1946 is when Detroit Red went to jail for burglary with his friend Malcolm “shorty” Jarvis for seven

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