E-Cigarettes Persuasive Essay

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E-cigarettes have been around for up to 10 years, and have only grown in popularity since then. Because of this rapid growth in popularity, there 's been controversy about whether or not they 're safe. Extending from their unknown risk, is the situation about whether or not they should be allowed in public, as well as the fact that they don 't have much if any restrictions legally. E-cigarettes should be allowed in public, and while some restrictions are deemed necessary, they are much safer than tobacco cigarettes and shouldn 't be viewed as the same thing. E-Cigarettes are a much healthier alternative to tobacco cigarettes, they help wean smokers off of tobacco cigarettes, and their health risks compared to tobacco cigarettes are practically …show more content…

This is one of the reasons why they shouldn’t be as restricted, or even close to as restricted as cigarettes have become. They were created to be healthier than tobacco cigarettes, and they most definitely are. There’s plenty of support that shows they really are healthier than tobacco cigarettes. Extending from that, there was a study conducted by the Public Health England organization published in August of 2015. The review was an extensive one, showing that E-Cigarettes are much healthier than tobacco cigarettes. (Choices) An article summarized the review into several key points. One of the most notable points shows why E-Cigarettes shouldn’t be restricted in public places: “E-Cigarettes release negligible amounts of nicotine into the environment, and no health risks to bystanders (e.g. passive smoking) have been identified. Besides this study, there was another scientific study conducted by a man named Francis J. Offermann, an Indoor Environmental Engineering scientist. (Offermann) Offermann used the nicotine content in the air of a home where someone smokes E-Cigarettes, and compared it to the nicotine content from a home where the only cigarettes smoked were tobacco. “…the average (geometric mean) indoor airborne concentrations of nicotine were 5.7 times …show more content…

A very common argument would include a psychological approach, claiming that the nice smell from the vapor would cause others to want to smoke an E-Cigarette as well. But really, this isn’t the case in this situation whatsoever. The important thing to the situation, is self-control. If anyone really did their research, they’d find that E-Cigarettes are very often used for helping tobacco cigarette smokers either ween off smoking altogether, and that their main selling point is to help with the health risk of tobacco cigarettes. While some don’t realize it, everyone should know that there isn’t much benefit to E-Cigarettes besides being a healthier alternative. In a sense, it’s almost like candy. Most people, while they understand that candy is delicious, also understand that if they eat a large amount of it, they have to pay for it and they’d probably end up getting sick while there isn’t much benefit besides the taste of the candy. It requires simple self-control to not eat loads of candy, and costing yourself. The same argument could be said for E-Cigarettes; people would want to try it because it smells good, but it still costs the smoker money, and they’re probably doing it for themselves because of their old habits they’re trying to quit. So, when it’s said that

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