Dystopia In The Giver By Lois Lowry

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Lois Lowry’s book,The Giver,is an imperfect world. This may be considered as a dystopia. Jonas’s community has an illusion of being perfect. A dystopia is an ideal futuristic place and Jonas’s community matches that definition. Jonas’s community is a dystopia because of their complete control,ignorance,and sameness. First,in Jonas’s community they have complete control. They have control over the climate,the curfew,citizens choice of spouse,and the citizens who cannot keep their own kids. For example,the climate,if it were to be anything other than sunny their crops will die and there will be accidents on roads. On page 80 of The Giver it says,’’Climate control. Snow made growing food difficult,limited the agricultural periods. And unpredictable …show more content…

Their community does not know many things,their education ends at age 12,the receiver of memory only knows the past,and they do not know where they go once someone has been released. In their community at age 12 you are no longer a child,which means your school education stops and you get your job. On page 67 it says,’’What if others-adults-had,upon becoming twelves,received in their instructions the same terrifying sentence.’’ The receiver of memory is the only one who knows the past. On page 73 it says,’’’Simply stated.’he said,’Although it’s not really simple at all,my job is to transmit to you all the memories I have within me. Memories of the past.’’ This states that the Giver has the memories of the past,and is going to give them to Jonas. In Jonas’s community they do not realize that when someone is “released’’ they are killed. The citizens think they go somewhere else. On page 32 it says,’’’Larrissa,’he asked,’What happens when they make the actual release? Where exactly did Roberto go?...’I don’t know. I don’t think anybody does except the committee’’ This shows Jonas and one of the old talking about how they don’t know where they go once someone has been released. In Jonas’s community they have lack of

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