Dying With Dignity Character Analysis

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Dying With Dignity Summary
Every culture has their own way of dying with dignity. Some dye in pain for the feeling of heroism and some suffer pain because of their religion. The story about the Chinese daughter and mother was not at all shocking because they are from a different background with a different belief. When Americans are in pain they go to the doctor or the hospital to minimize the pain they feel and most women who are pregnant choose to receive an epidural before the delivery. It all depends on the person’s mentality, how they were trained to remain prideful through the process. Most men refuse to see a doctor , go to the hospital when needed, or purchase over the counter medicine when they feel a cold coming up. Some people are …show more content…

The book gives a couple of examples of those who sustained the appropriate death; Senator Hubert H. Humphrey and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Remaining the same person when going through death is a very healthy sign. Those who remain calm and unaffected by the event that will take place seem to not go through five stages of death, they seem to only go through one stage and that is acceptance. In the appropriate death the patient is dying as he or she wishes. There is a short story on page 48 that is a true story and talks about a patient’s experience where at one point she did not have an appropriate death because her physician had the say so as to whether she lived or not. They claimed that no one recovers from her situation and that she would not be able to tell if she is hungry or in pain herself. The narrative talks vaguely about her family, but taking someone’s life on account of a non-relative seems like the four characteristics of an appropriate death are not achieved. Those characteristics are awareness, acceptance, proprietary, and timeliness. The family and the patient were robbed of good and appropriate death. Those who are performing life threatening jobs and have families are putting their families more at risk for emotional damage because when a death happens too quickly the dying is not cared for and when the dying is cared for by families it allows them to have time to cope with the tragic events that have happened. It wouldn’t affect the person who died because they are already gone. People have to think not only of their own problems when they give up or do not care what happens to them, but for those who they will be “leaving” behind. It can cause unimaginable grief if someone’s life was taken away in an

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