Dying Or Debt Essay

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Dying or Debt Not taking your medication can be deadly, but so can a substantial medical bill. Drug companies need profits to continue to improve medicine and to find cures, however, life saving drugs should be more affordable for all patients. Patients are either going into debt or slowly dying because the prices for their medication is not affordable. Drug companies can charge whatever they want if they create a specialty drug and they can access a fast approval process through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This allows the drug to go into the market sooner than the regular drug approval process. The drug companies spend a lot of time and money discovering and studying possible cures. The drug companies price their drugs high because they need to pay for the work they did. How do we get the …show more content…

This can cause people to either go into bankruptcy or die. For example, John Krahne received alarming news from his doctor last December, his doctor had recommended a medication to stabilize his brain tumor, however, the drug cost $156,000 every year and a $3,200 fee at the beginning of every year as part of his coverage plan. This a perfect example of how much someone may have to pay to keep himself alive and active. Even insurance companies are having a hard time paying for their customers' medical bills. Occasionally, insurers will negotiate with the drug companies and get them to lower their prices a little, which is always helpful. People may be healthy but can’t afford their homes or cars because they are paying for their medication. Martin Shkreli has now raised the price of a medication that was once $13.50 per pill to $750 for just one pill. This shows how much drug prices have increased over the last couple years. This is precisely why drug companies should lower their prices since even middle-class citizen can’t afford to keep everything else in their

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