Dust Storm On Mars

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Mars is the closest planet to Earth but at the same time they are completely different. Mars is a dust bowl of red dirt and is very barren from what we understand there is nothing living on Mars. The soil on Mars lacks a lot of things for something to grow like the nutrients and lack of oxygen and water. But Watney makes uses his botanist skills to overcome great odds and actually grow plants on Mars. Watney Used a mixture of ingenuity and crap to make this possible he took soil from Mars and brought it into the HAB where he was able to make the soil have nutrients which is key for growing plants. Next he placed potatoes that NASA had given the crew for a thanksgiving dinner into the soil to produce more. He then set up an irrigation system …show more content…

Well with the Mars atmosphere being about roughly 100 times less dense than Earth's atmosphere would this huge dust storm make that big of an impact as it did in the book and movie. Well Occasionally, winds on Mars are strong enough to create dust storms that cover much of the planet. After such storms, it can be months before all of the dust settles. The maximum wind speeds recorded by the Viking Landers in the 1970's were about 30 meters per second (60 miles an hour) with an average of 10 m/s (20 mph). Just as on Earth, at certain latitudes, the winds tend to blow in certain directions (Quest). This being said the wind speeds in the Martian atmosphere would feel dramatically less than it sounds. It would feel more like a slight breeze which the only hindrance would be the dust particles which could make visibility close to zero and block sunlight so solar power would be near impossible. Andy Weir in an interview with Google stated “I tried to make the book as accurate as I could. The biggest place that’s inaccurate – don’t tell anybody – but if you’re in a dust storm on Mars, you’re not even going to feel it. Mars’ atmosphere is less than one percent of Earth’s. So a 150-km/hour wind would feel like about a 1-km/hour wind does on Earth. It wouldn’t do any damage to anything. Shhh

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