Dust Bowl Research Paper

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The Dust Bowl is a drought that occurred in the southern plains region of the United States. The Dust swept crossed from Nebraska to Texas. The Dust Bowl occurred in the late 1930’s. The massive dust storms did not begin until 1931. The Dust Bowl was a long-term disaster that impacted people for a long time. The conditions were very scary and last for a while. During the Dust Bowl, serve dust storms would sweep across the great plains. The serve dust storms were often called “Black Blizzards”. The dust storms would also cause the sky to darken for days at a time. The dust would drift like snow and the residents would have to clean it up with a shovel. The worst of the storm occurred in Oklahoma and about three million tons of topsoil were blown off the great plains. Lastly, the dust would work its way through people’s homes and would leave a type of coating on their furniture, food, and skin. …show more content…

A series of federal land acts had passed in the 1920’s, which encouraged people to farm across the great plains. The wheat prices in the 1920’s was also increasing, which encouraged the farmers to plow up millions of acres around the great plains. This event was one of the biggest factors that caused the Dust Bowl. During the Great Depression, crops began to fail, which also exposed the over-plowed farmland. Eventually the eroding soil led to massive dust storms. Many people developed dust pneumonia and chest pain. The citizens also had extremely difficult time breathing. Citizens also died, ranging from hundreds to several thousand people. There is no clear estimate of how many people

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