Dumpster Diving Vs Scavenging

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Whether one calls it dumpster diving or scavenging, I agree to teach the people of today how to use every possible thing to keep Earth beautiful, just as the creator of Diving! Jeremy Seifert, the creator of Diving! The author of Lars Eighter, wrote a book called On Dumpster Diving, where he stresses
Although Lar Eighner, writer of “On Dumpster Diving”, began dumpster diving when he became homeless, he believes the act should be referred to as scavenging. When first beginning to dumpster diving, he felt scavenging was very challenging. Not only would one need to have some sort of athleticism just to lower their body into the dumpster, but knowing how to distinguish the food was as being good or bad was also a challenge. Not thinking highly

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