Dualism: Mind, Body, And Self

2148 Words5 Pages

ENG 121-012
Jomil Ebro
Dualism: Mind, Body, and Self
Dualism is the two worlds of our bodies and minds, or how the Stanford Encyclopedia defines it as “Humans have both physical and mental properties… physical properties include size, weight, shape, color, motion through space and time, etc. But they also have (or seem to have) mental properties, which we do not attribute to typical physical objects”. Dualism is how the mind and body are two separate items that seem to contradict one another yet, one proposes that the mind and body have so much correlation and that they do indeed are like one entity rather than just two. The self, on the other hand, is what is separate from mind and body but it too is interconnect with the mind and body and is too vital to understand what us who we are, the people we see and the person we see ourselves as.
With nonduality is how one sees the self and reality of pure consciousness, the perception of “physical” and “non-physical” matters; with nonduality is more of not physical, body, nor mental, mind, but …show more content…

Why would a soul be in a mortal soul if it is not mortal itself, or is it? However, with Descartes he differs from nonduality, saying that mind and body are two different entities, mind-body dualism. An example of how the mind and body could possibly be two separate things. Neuroscientist Christof Koch observed how a split-brain patient’s hand broke out into an almost fight trying to tell Dr. Koch how many seizures she had recently experienced. Due to her split-brain, they were unable to communicate with each other (Chopra,2012). With this patient is evident that her body and mind seemed to not be in sync with each other, instead of the opposite but does that still mean that the body and mind couldn’t possibly be

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